
Geography and Climate

   New York had hot, humid summers, and bitterly cold windy winters with much snow. The terrain was swampy near the coast and the Hudson River. Further north where mountains covered with forests. The ground was rocky and the soil was good for farming.

    New York is located along the Atlantic Ocean in the Middle Colonies. New York has mountains, plains, and rolling hills. There is a river that runs through New York called the Hudson River. There are some Native American groups called the Lenape, Wappinger, Munsee, Mohican, and Montauk that live here. New York also borders Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Before the English and other countries were there, the native Indians lived there first before Christopher Columbus had come over to America because he believed he was going to Asia the ground of new york was rocky but the soil around there was good once there was no rocks or trees around the soil. of course there was war with the Indians over land because the Indians wanted land to grow crops and mostly, the English were growing crops there like potatoes, tobacco, and corn. the English got this land because the owner of the land didn't want to fight because he didn't want his people to get hurt unlike the owner before him.